Worry is a Choice
Worry negatively impacts life. It can disrupt sleep, cause headaches, lead to muscle tension, nausea, irritability, difficulty concentrating and making decisions. Since worry is a choice, perhaps it’s time to let it go.
Habits of People Who Don’t Worry
While everyone worries sometimes, those who only do it for the most stressful situations have some things in common. If you know what they are, it can help you break the habit. The four highly effective habits of people who don’t worry are:
Mindfulness. Mindfulness is about being present in this moment. Worry is actually about being many steps ahead of this moment to investigate many future possibilities. By staying here now, we can keep our minds uncluttered and see things more clearly.They act. Worriers tend to take a long time thinking through every possible scenario. This can bog them down in too much information so they either don’t act at all or move very slowly. Non-worries tend to focus only on the most likely outcomes. Then they narrow it down to the best choice, and act. If it doesn’t work out, they pivot and keep going. They accept negative emotions. All emotions are just a part of life. Undesirable emotions aren’t a reason to stop moving. Worriers typically avoid negative emotions at all costs. This can paralyze them from moving forward.Learn from life. People who use adversity to learn and grow from it develop self-confidence and self-esteem. They are far more likely to feel that they can handle what comes, and so worry isn’t necessary.
Nobody is born with these habits. They are developed through practice. This means you can do this too.
Until you develop those habits, the main things to remember are, if it’s not within your control, let it go.
If it is within your control, ask yourself if this is really going to matter much fifty years from now. It will give you perspective. Use that perspective to move forward in the way that makes the most sense. Once the issue is behind you, let it go.