Winter Solstice – A Time for New Beginnings

winter solstice

Happy winter solstice.

Today is the longest night of the year. Starting at dawn tomorrow, the days will get longer and longer signaling to all that life renews.

Isn’t that a most hopeful sign?

What the Winter Solstice Means

For many, tonight is the most sacred time of the year.

All life relies on the sun. The return of the sun means that life will go on for another year. We are not forsaken.

Winter has just begun. We will have many dark, cold days ahead, but the promise of a new harvest, summer, and period of growth is coming.

But tonight, the peak of darkness and the divine feminine, is a time to go within. Contemplate. Slow down and savor the stillness.

The darkness will begin to lose her grip soon. We may once again become lost in the excitement and activity of life.

So, take a moment to savor this deep peace and say good-bye to the dark.