Finding Your Voice

When I was young, I moved away from my family and was surrounded by people and things that were different from me. They spoke differently, moved at a slower pace, and didn’t seem to care about the same things. At first I hated it. I felt like a fish out of...
Create a Chatting Bench to Inspire Connection

Create a Chatting Bench to Inspire Connection

I just learned about chatting benches! They are benches with signs on them to invite people to talk with strangers. Chatting benches are found in England, Sweden, Australia, Switzerland, Ireland, Ukraine, and the United States. Chatting benches are also called talking...
Winter Solstice – A Time For New Beginnings

Winter Solstice – A Time For New Beginnings

Winter Solstice – A Time for New Beginnings Happy winter solstice. Today is the longest night of the year. Starting at dawn tomorrow, the days will get longer and longer signaling to all that life renews. Isn’t that a most hopeful sign? What the Winter...