122 Days of Letting Go

What I Learned From Letting Go

122 days ago, I began a journey of letting go. Here’s what I learned along the way!

Releasing Takes Self-Awareness

The greatest thing that came from this practice was self-awareness. I saw things in myself, others, and the world that helped me to be more intentional. That helped a lot!

Releasing Requires Discipline

It’s easy to get side tracked and distracted. Taking a vow to focus single-mindedly on one things takes a lot of focus. I did that! I’m proud of that!

Focus Gets Results!

When you are that laser focused on a thing and keep at it, stuff moves. It feels slow in the moment, but as I look back on the last 122 days, I am amazed at how much has shifted.

what i learned from letting go

As Within, So Without

I have heard the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will come.” The person I felt compelled to follow wasn’t appearing, and that used to be so upsetting.

But I learned that life is the teacher. Since everything outside is also inside, all I had to do was pay attention. Extract the wisdom and it’s mine. Wow!

Letting Go Leads to Holding On

Every inhale leads to an exhale. The yin and yang must be balanced, so letting go must lead to holding on. It’s part of the cycle of life.

And so, the focus of this blog is shifting to include the whole wheel of life starting January 1, 2023.

Letting go is just the doorway. It’s not the whole adventure. Let’s go explore!

If you want to join me, come to the Tribe. It’s free!