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Daily Wellness Resources
Do More of What You Love

Do More of What You Love

Do More of What You Love Happy new year! For animists like me, the winter solstice is new year's eve. Today marks the beginning of the new year, and like many people, I gave some thought to what I want 2023 to look like. Rather than focusing on what I don't want or...

Winter Solstice – A Time For New Beginnings

Winter Solstice – A Time For New Beginnings

Winter Solstice - A Time for New Beginnings Happy winter solstice. Today is the longest night of the year. Starting at dawn tomorrow, the days will get longer and longer signaling to all that life renews. Isn't that a most hopeful sign? What the Winter Solstice Means...

Do You Have the Guts To Do An End-of-the-Year Self-Evaluation?

Do You Have the Guts To Do An End-of-the-Year Self-Evaluation?

End-of-the-Year Self-Evaluation? If your mother were rating your performance as a human being, how would you do? Would your scores change if it were done by your child? How about your romantic partner? Best friend? What criteria would they find important? How about...

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!