How to Get Along With Me I ran across this hilarious (and also down-to-earth and common sense) article by Carol Roth called “How to Get Along With Me.” It covers some business dos and don’ts that can help people work better together. There are a lot...
How to Relax When You Don’t Know How Don’t know how to relax? You’re not alone. Most of us grew up hearing things like “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” and “Work now, play later” and “If you want to succeed,...
How To Be a Safe Person The number one emotional need for all human beings is safety. Some of us think of it constantly and do things to create it. Others of us only think about it when safety is threatened. So if you want to have great relationships, it’s great...
Why You Need to Stop Watching the News NOW!studies have shown that people in high income countries live in the safest time in recorded history. And yet, we are more stressed out than ever. We have more stress related conditions than ever. Why? What’s going...
Take Charge of Your Healing We can’t change the things that have happened to us, but we can grow beyond them and heal. The top hack to heal trauma is to cultivate consistency. When something traumatic happens, it’s like the rug is pulled out from under us....
Why Money Won’t Bring You Happiness My recent return to social media has brought me face to face with news from an outside world that I had forgotten. I endure a daily onslaught of people talking about what is apparently the most important topics on the American...