End-of-the-Year Self-Evaluation?


If your mother were rating your performance as a human being, how would you do? Would your scores change if it were done by your child? How about your romantic partner? Best friend? What criteria would they find important?

How about you? How would you do in an end-of-the-year self-evaluation? Would you be smiling at the end of that interview?

The Life Review

If you’ve heard any stories about near death experiences, many of them involve a life review. They are very moving experiences that can sometimes prompt people to turn things around.

The whole premise of A Christmas Carol is based upon the main character, Scrooge, getting a second chance after reviewing his life. When he sees how he impacted others, and where his behavior is heading, he has a change of heart and direction.

As I write this, it’s days away from Christmas and I find myself wondering, why wait? Why not do one annually?

I think it’s a fantastic way to self-reflect and correct.

Here are some ideas on what to include in your self-evaluation.

How Am I Doing?

Self-care. Are you eating well? Sleeping? Exercising? Relaxing? Creating something? Learning things? Meditating? Developing your mind? Are you living in alignment with your values? Family relationships. Do you see your family? Are you on good terms? Are your relationships healthy and nurturing? Friendships. How is your social life? Is there a good balance of give and take? Do you have high levels of trust? How much do you invest in others? How open are you to allowing others to see and support you?Romantic partnerships. Do you give, and get, quality time with your partner? Do you bring out the best in each other? Do you encourage each other to be better people? Can you be authentic with each other? Finances. Are you self-supporting? Do you live within your budget? Are you saving for the future?  Work life. Is your job challenging, rewarding, satisfying? Do you grow there? Are you contributing to the company? How’s your performance? Are you proud of your work?Spirituality. Do you make time to connect? Do you nurture your spirituality? 

I admit it. My first reaction to an end-of-the-year self-evaluation was horror! I’m not one of these people who beat myself up routinely, but I don’t put myself under a microscope either.

I mean, who wants to look at all their warts?

But as the idea sinks in, I am starting to get really excited about it. I mean, what better way to make life conscious and move towards desired outcomes purposefully than to take inventory of how it’s going?

In fact, I think I’ll go write up a screening tool to help me help myself grow on purpose. Want to join me?

What’s on your evaluation? Let me know in the comments!