Finding Your Voice

When I was young, I moved away from my family and was surrounded by people and things that were different from me. They spoke differently, moved at a slower pace, and didn’t seem to care about the same things. At first I hated it. I felt like a fish out of...
Shadow Work FAQ

Shadow Work FAQ

So you’ve heard about shadow work and now you’ve got questions. No worries. This Shadow Work FAQ is an excellent place to find answers. If you have a question that is not here, let me know. I may include it in an update! What is Shadow Work? The term was created by...
When You Can’t Do It Anymore

When You Can’t Do It Anymore

We all have that moment when we feel we can’t do it anymore. We realize that something in our lives is an overwhelming and total wreck. Maybe we’re a hoarder. We always knew it, but now it’s in our face. We feel the weight of it, how it is sapping...